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Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce Mediation in New Jersey

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce Mediation in New Jersey

If you are getting divorced in New Jersey, you likely have questions about the many legal issues you have to address. We also understand that you may have even more questions about how mediation can affect resolving those issues in your divorce.

In the sections to follow, we’ll answer some of the common questions spouses often have about divorce mediation in New Jersey. 

What Is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation in New Jersey is an alternative form of dispute resolution that allows the parties to a divorce to resolve their issues more efficiently and amicably than through the standard adversarial divorce litigation process. 

In divorce mediation, rather than litigating all their divorce issues in court, the parties work to resolve their issues through the help of a neutral and objective party, called a “mediator.” 

The mediator takes the place of a judge and works with the parties to reach a solution to their divorce issues without having to litigate the matters in court. 

How Does Divorce Mediation in New Jersey Work?

When parties mediate their divorce case in New Jersey, the mediator confers with each party to discuss the case and to understand each party’s position on the issues. The mediator will consider each party’s goals and concerns for terminating their marriage and resolving all the ancillary issues to their divorce. 

The mediator then attempts to help each party approach each issue with reasoned objectivity and compromise so that each of the spouses can agree on a resolution.   

What Issues Can I Mediate in My Divorce?

You can mediate any or all of the legal issues you have to resolve in your divorce. This can include:

Mediation is simply a less contentious process than going to court, and it can avoid the time and expense of the traditional adversarial process.

What Is the Role of the Mediator?

The mediator’s role, in large part, is to:

  • Direct the parties to common ground;
  • Provide objective insight;
  • Control scheduling;
  • Encourage compromise; and
  • Quell emotional hostility. 

Mediators are heavily trained in negotiations and the mediation process. Their job is to be impartial and help the parties resolve their issues without relying on court intervention.

Mediating Your Divorce Issues May Be the Right Option for You

Divorce mediation offers many benefits that most spouses look for when beginning the process. Divorce mediation potentially offers, depending on the case:

  • Objective solutions;
  • Impartial advice;
  • Less expenses;
  • Quicker resolution of issues;
  • Great control by the parties; and
  • Less contention and hostility.

To discuss whether divorce mediation may be appropriate in your case, speak to an experienced family lawyer near you. Call our divorce & family law firm at (732) 945-8511 or contact us online today.

You can also visit our law firm at 157 Broad St #111, Red Bank, NJ 07701.

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