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How to Apply for Child Support

How to Apply for Child Support

Parents are required to provide financial support for their children. Even if parents are never married or divorced, they must support their children. Child support is state-ordered financial support paid from one parent to another parent. Typically, the non-custodial parent pays the custodial parent.

New Jersey calculates child support using standard guidelines. The state offers several services to help parents apply for child support.

Applying for Child Support in Monmouth County, NJ

A parent can apply for child support directly with the family court. You must complete and file a child support application in the county where the child resides. You can download and print a copy of the application from the website for the New Jersey courts. You may also request an application by calling 1-877-655-4371.

If you live in Monmouth County, you can file an application to establish child support online. You can also file the application for child support directly with the Family Court in Freehold, NJ.

You can ask the court to establish paternity if necessary to obtain an order for child support. Child Support Services also assists parents in locating non-custodial parents, enforcing child support orders, and ordering the other parent to provide health insurance coverage. The goal is to ensure the child receives the support they need even though the parents are not together.

How Is Child Support Calculated in Monmouth County, NJ?

The amount of child support is based on several factors, including the net income of the parents. Payments are calculated based on the New Jersey Child Support Guidelines. Factors impacting the amount of child support include:

  • The income of each parent
  • The number of children to be supported
  • The time each parent spends with the children
  • Child support paid from a previous relationship
  • Other support being paid, including alimony
  • The costs of child care paid by each parent
  • Liabilities and debts of each parent

The court may deviate from the child support guidelines in specific situations. For example, if a couple’s income exceeds $187,200, the judge may consider costs they would not consider in other cases. The judge may consider tutoring, private school tuition, and the cost of certain extracurricular activities. Judges may also consider the lifestyle the child enjoyed when the parents were together. They may take into consideration the earning capacities of both parents.

Do I Need to Hire an Attorney to Apply for Child Support in New Jersey?

Child Support Services allows parents to apply for child support without hiring a child support lawyer. However, child support is often an issue in a larger court case, such as a divorce, paternity, or separation. Therefore, consulting with an attorney before proceeding with any court action is wise.

Hiring an attorney can be beneficial even if you are only seeking child support. Some child support cases are straightforward. The parents earn a set income, and no extraordinary circumstances exist. However, there may be several issues that complicate your case. Examples of issues that may require legal counsel include, but are not limited to:

  • High-income cases
  • Disputes related to income and other factors that impact child support
  • Non-guideline cases
  • Children with special needs
  • 50/50 shared custody
  • Imputation of income for a spouse who is voluntarily underemployed or quit work
  • Child support deviations in special circumstances
  • A parent concealing income from other sources
  • Parents paying child support for multiple families

An attorney understands the complex issues that arise in child support cases. They know how to apply the law to ensure you pay or receive the correct amount of support. If you need to modify child support because of a change in circumstances, an attorney can petition the court and argue the facts to justify a modification of child support.

Suppose child custody and visitation are an issue. In that case, a lawyer can help you negotiate a parenting plan and time-sharing plan that protects your parental rights and supports the best interest of your child.

Get Help With Child Support in New Jersey

If you have questions about child support or need help with a child support case, call The Law Office of Jennifer J. McCaskill, LLC, for a free consultation with a Monmouth County child support lawyer. We handle all matters related to divorces and family law. 

To learn more and get the help you deserve, call our divorce & family law firm in Red Bank. NJ at (732) 747-1882 or contact us online today.
You can also visit our law firm at 157 Broad St #111, Red Bank, NJ 07701.

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